26 October Meet Up

5:00pm Tuesday, 26 October 2021
7:00pm Tuesday, 26 October 2021
FLA Meat Up
Agtech and Logistics Hub
Cnr Vision Street and Witmack Road
Charlton, Queensland 4350

We invite you to join us for the next in a series of regular networking events, the October Meet Up at the Agtech and Logistics Hub on Tuesday, 26 October. This Meet Up is a great opportunity for attendees to meet the Innovation Architects and learn more about their open innovation plans.

Innovation Architects are the innovation partner of the Agtech and Logistics Hub, who have been contracted to design and deliver the open innovation and accelerator programs. Attendees will learn more about their plans for these programs and how your business and the greater Agtech community can be potentially involved in these programs.

Innovation Architects will be delivering two open innovation challenge rounds per annum and the first of which is well into its planning phase and they are now in a position to share these plans. The challenges are sourced from industry stakeholders to ensure they are relevant to the industry.

Innovation Architects also provide business accelerator services for the Agtech and Logistics Hub to mentor, connect and inform burgeoning companies with their continued growth. These services are an extension of the open innovation challenge framework.

This event will be of interest to Industry, Innovators, and Investors, so we invite you to join us and discover how you can participate and benefit from the open innovation and accelerator programs planned for the Agtech and Logistics Hub.

As part of our continuing Meet Up events, this will be a great opportunity for the Agtech ecosystem to come together and build a strong and cohesive network.

Refreshments are included.

TSBE Member Price: $20
TSBE Non-Member Price: $30

COVIDSafe event requirements:

We ask that if you are not feeling well or are displaying any COVID-19 symptoms to NOT attend this event. 

You should not enter the event if in the previous 14 days you have:

  • returned to Australia from overseas
  • been in close contact with an active COVID-19 case
  • been in a Queensland declared COVID-19 hotspot, place of concern, or exposure venue, as defined by the Chief Health Officer
  • had a fever, cough, sore throat, headache, distorted sense of taste, shortness of breath, chills, vomiting, or any cold/flu like symptoms in the last 72 hours

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Contact Information

Not yet a member of TSBE? TSBE members receive a discount off all TSBE event tickets.

Please contact TSBE for more information.